Walk 9: Lighthouses

The big one, the one a lot of people signed up for quite quickly, it is one of those where I thought after the first and the ninth got busy, wondering why I have covered so many different walks, so many different topics. And it really was a busy day. We met at Healthier Fleetwood and started handing out kits as people arrived.

After walking the route between Healthier Fleetwood, that took us along Pharos Street so we could see the the whole of the Lighthouse and walk towards it to get a sense of the scale of the building.

We stood near the Pharos Lighthouse and Looked towards the Lower Lighthouse it was just the right size to sketch.

The Civic Society were by the Lower Lighthouse and members of the group climbed it, and they explained more about the engineering than I know. Also one piece of history I didn’t know was that the Lower Lighhouse was modelled after a Roman Mosiac showing the Lighthouse of Alexandria. It was good being able to key into their knowledge too, which is why this walk was part of the Heritage Weekend.

We had more amazing feedback with even local residents saying they learnt things.

These walks were made possible by our partners, Healthier Fleetwood and Arts Council England who funded the project.

supported using funding from arts council england
Healthier Fleetwood Connecting our community logo

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