How to make the World a better place!
Or: How I am raising money for my Trinity Hospice Blackpool
So what I have done
At the start of 2021 I made a painting of the Ice Cream shop next to the Ferry in Fleetwood, I got 100 printed on A3 paper and one on a absolutely massive A1 paper. I have then drawn on the prints and added extra watercolour so each one of the prints is a unique piece of art, ready to be framed. They really are amazing work (if I say so myself) bright and colourful and making these has brought me some comfort a year after her passing.
So why am I Raising money for Trinity Hospice Blackpool?
Because they helped provide end of life care for my Grandma, she made friends there and was excited to go to events there. They provided a lot of support for the family.
My grandma encouraged me to work with my hands and my mind. She taught me to bake, going out to eat with her and my great grandad and my grandad are memories that will stick with me forever.
Her passing really did leave a big hole in our family, she has four children, eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
What I expect to raise
For each of the A3 prints sold I’ll donate £10 to Trinity Hospice
The A1 print and the original I’ll donate £60 for each one sold to Trinity Hospice
So all in all £1120 once everything is sold. There is also a just giving page which you can donate to if you don’t want to buy a print or if you want to add a little extra on top, as they really are amazing and I am undercharging as I really want to get them into as many hands as possible.
Where you can support:
A3 Print £20 including UK Shipping
A1 Print £100 including UK Shipping
Original Painting £95 including UK Shipping
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