Last time I talked about my plans and how I intended, things will have to change after only a week. and this isn’t because I am bored or anything like that, there are external factors at play here
So the painting went well I bought the viral jelly gouache that I have seen so many times before, it’s a much wider range of colours than I tend to use. I use a very reduced palette when I am painting, either red, blue yellow, black and white, or I will use a warm and cool red, blue and yellow, with white and black, so either five or eight colours at a time. This has twenty-four colours to choose from and I am still going to mix them.

I painted seven paintings and I have one sitting on my desk unfinished. My biggest gripe with them is that they aren’t opaque enough if you use normal gouache they are very opaque much more so than acrylics. But these are more transparent than System3 so to counter that I pulled out a Winsor and Newton white gouache and it helped. to no end.
So as the project is secret I made a test painting that I could share:

So this isn’t the secret project this is two buildings in Fleetwood, on the right is what some people would term my pottery competitor in the town Glazey Days, but I see our businesses as different, they are mainly paint a pot, I am mostly about making things from nothing, clay, paintings, yes sometimes I do mix the two.
The building on the left is what made me paint this though, the building on the left is a block of ordinary flats but originally they were the tram depot here in Fleetwood, so the trams could start here and in Blackpool simultaneously in the mornings, now the first tram comes from Starr Gate runs along here to the end of the line. Though when this was used as a depot there were branch lines of the tram network.
I wrote a couple of thousand words on the things I said I was going to write last week but an old project has been resurrected and is now being published weekly by Blackpool Social Club, it is from an unpublished book called “Poetry by the Sea” and the first instalment is about crabbing.
Now the Pivot
My Project “Fleetwood Arts Health and Heritage Sketchwalks” has been funded by Arts Council England, and the workshops will be over the summer from the 16th August, I still have to build the rest of the page as I made that project page with examples for the application. That needs to be built and I need to write a load of emails from today, I will be holding my breath and hoping to come out the other side.
So yes until this is mostly done I will be putting my other projects on hiatus, I am sure I will chip away at them but fewer words fewer paintings until I am on top of things.