Another wet and windy day, we started at Healthier Fleetwood unfortunately they aren’t open on a Saturday we covered a bench so we wouldn’t get wet when we sat down.
The Mount Pavilion is such a small space but being the key focal point of the town as designed by Decimus Burton the park is steeped in 180 years of history, the fact it is still there is possibly due to the early residents rebelling and pushing over a wall at protest of the idea that Sir Peter Hesketh was going to sell the entire area to the Military

The Pavilion and the shelters have been restored in the last few years, though from the blue scheme we were used to, to a green one.

The Marine Hall is a much later addition with all the extra sea defences of the 1930s

It was a glorious day out but very blustery being that little bit higher than the rest of the town and being on an exposed peninsula, you can understand why the Military eventually moved their guns down to the shoreline.
Also, the wind showed why in the early 20th century they rebuilt the wooden peninsula in more solid construction as we felt blown about, and as soon as we returned to sea level it felt a lot calmer.
These walks were made possible by funding from Arts Council England and Support from Healthier Fleetwood